Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Second Profile

Doozie McGee

Doozie is her best friend and confidante. She is the only woman in her life who knows her from beginning to end with exception of the few secrets she's never shared with anyone, but the wall.

She calls Doozie whenever the real shit hits the fan. She is her one friend she can go to without regret and without fear of rejection. She's been there from the beginning and has had both the pleasure and pain of spiraling in far enough so that she knows where she comes from.

Doozie is her soul sister, her partner in crime. She is the only person she shares a birthright and a tattoo with. And though they have discussed it many times before, that's where most of the similarity ends. They have bonded over the beauty of difference, the yin versus yang, coexisting and yet always in challenge.

She can talk to her about anything in the world, anything except him. The subject has become taboo, one she won't engage in unless she's prepared to fight Doozie, who frankly is an adversary no one wants. Doozie is strength personafied, the embodiment of resilience and confidence especially when it boils down to tough love and doing the "right thing."

She has never been good at simply "doing the right thing."

Doozie is someone she would want on her team, someone she'd go into a bar fight with, a woman she'd want to make her soup when she's sick or kick her ass when she needed it done.

She misses her terribly, every time she sends a holiday card.

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